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CHKTAP: CHKTAP DEV(andTAPEDEV) ENDOPT(*REWIND) MONMSG MSGID(CPF6708) /* Command ended due to error + - possibly CPF4120 Tape device +.Error messages. *ESCAPE Messages. CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF6745: Device and1 not a media library device. CPF9814: Device.If the date at that sequence number is not 1/9/84, an escape message is sent. Top. Error messages. *ESCAPE Messages. CPF6708: Command ended due to error.CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF6718: Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6721: Device and1 not a tape device. CPF6723: File not found on volume and2 on.CHKTAP DEV(andTAPEDEV) ENDOPT(*REWIND) MONMSG MSGID(CPF6708) /* Command ended due to error + - most likely CPF4120 Tape device + equipment check if tape.Check Tape (CHKTAP) - IBMDisplay Tape (DSPTAP) - IBMWork with MLB Resource Queue (WRKMLBRSCQ) - IBM
CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF6711: Command not allowed; CPF6718: Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6745: Device and1 not a media library device.. CPF67ED: Library device and1 not available; CPF67F5: Duplicate cartridge or virtual volume name found; CPF6708: Command ended due to error.CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF6711: Command not allowed; CPF6718: Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6745: Device and1 not a media library device.The save job eventually fails with error CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CORRECTION FOR APAR SE39297 : -----------------------------CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF6709. Parameter and3 not correct. CPF670A. Incorrect encryption key information specified.RE: Checking for tape Volume Identifier in a CL - MIDRANGE.Display Tape Cartridge (DSPTAPCTG) - IBMChange Tape Cartridge (CHGTAPCTG) - IBM. juhD453gf
CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF672E. Line description and2 wrong type. CPF6745. Device and1 not a media library device.CPF6708 E, Command ended due to error. CPF6718 E, Cannot allocate device and1. CPF673A E, Device and1 not varied on. CPF6745 E, Device and1 not a media library.CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF6718: Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6720: Incorrect volume and2 found on device and1. CPF6721: Device and1 not a tape.CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF6718. Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6720. Incorrect volume and2 found on device and1. CPF6721.CPF6708: エラーのためにコマンドが終了した。 CPF6711: コマンドは使用できない。 CPF6718: 装置and1を割り振ることができない。 CPF6745: 装置and1は媒体ライブラリー.CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF6711. Command not allowed. 188 IBM Systems - iSeries: i5/OS Commands Starting with DSPNWSD (Display Network Server.This command displays a list of requests to use a resource in tape media library TAPMLB01. Error messages for WRKMLBRSCQ. *ESCAPE Messages. CPF6708: Command.CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF6745. Device and1 not a media library device. CPF67B5. and3/and2/and1 not authorized to change attribute. CPF9814.CPF6708: エラーのためにコマンドが終了した。 CPF6718: 装置and1を割り振ることができない。 CPF6720: 装置and1で間違ったボリュームand2が見つかった。CPF6708. Command ended due to error. 268 System i: Programming i5/OS commands Starting with DSPLIBL (Display Library List).CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF671C: Not all files duplicated to device and2. CPF6714: TOVOL(*FROMVOL) not correct. CPF6718: Cannot allocate device.CPF6708 Command ended due to error. CPF6711 Command not allowed. CPF6718 Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6745CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF6718: Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6720: Incorrect volume and2 found on device and1.CPF6708 E, Command ended due to error. CPF6709 E, Parameter and3 not correct. CPF6710 E, Specified length not correct. CPF6721 E, Device and1 not a tape device.CPF6708 E, Command ended due to error. CPF67E4 E, Library device function not successful. CPF9872 E, Program or service program and1 in library and2 ended.CPF6708 E. Command ended due to error. CPF67C8 E. Command failed for device and1. Reason code and2. CPF9814 E. Device and1 not found. CPF9872 E.CPF6708 E, Command ended due to error. CPF6721 E, Device and1 not a tape device. CPF672F E, Resource and1 not found. CPF67B0 E, Tape resource and2 not in.ボリュームIDがカートリッジIDと一致しない。 CPF6702: 装置and1のボリュームの処理中にエラーが起こった。 CPF6708: エラーのためにコマンドが終了した。 CPF6715.CPF6708 E, Command ended due to error. CPF67C8 E, Command failed for device and1. Reason code and2. CPF9814 E, Device and1 not found.CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF6715. Error at beginning of tape on device and1. CPF6718. Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6720.CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF6711. Command not allowed. CPF6718. Cannot allocate device and1. CPF6745. Device and1 not a media library device.CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF6745: Device and1 not a media library device. CPF67B5: and3/and2/and1 not authorized to change attribute.CHGS36MSGL MSGL(((CPF6702 CPF6708 CPF6715 etc) *GOTO ERR) + ((*ANY) *CONTINUE)) INZTAP DEV(?41? NEWVOL(NITELY) CHECK(*NO) CLEAR(*NO) CHGS36MSGL MSGL(*NONE).CPF6708 E, Command ended due to error. CPF67C2 E, Path name structure field and7 not valid. CPF67C4 E, Object and1 type and2 in library and3 not freed.CPF6708. Command Ended Due to Error. 3. Below is an example of a Control Language program that incorporates the changes discussed.CPF6708 E. Command ended due to error. CPF67B1 E. Option value and1 not valid. CPF67B2 E. Number of devices entries and1 not valid. CPF67B3 E.CPF6708: Command ended due to error. CPF672B: Resource and1 not valid. CPF672C: Device and1 not allowed. CPF672D: Network ID and1 not in correct format.and ANR7808W DSPTAPCTG Command returned exception CPF6708. and ANR7808W DSPTAPCTG Command returned exception CPF416A. and so on.. description and1 does not exist; CPF67ED: Library device and1 not available; CPF67F5: Duplicate cartridge ID found; CPF6708: Command ended due to error.. that could be monitored for (these messages as of V2R3 of OS/400): CPF2640: Vary Command Not Processed CPF6708 Command Ended Due to Error 3.Length of receiver variable is not valid. CPF3C90 E, Literal value cannot be changed. CPF3CF1 E, Error code parameter not valid. CPF6708 E, Command ended due.CPF6708. Command ended due to error. CPF6716. Device and1 not a diskette device. CPF6718. Cannot allocate device and1. CPF9814. Device and1 not found. CPF9825.